Collection: Herbs and Roots

Roots and herbs are believed to have spiritual properties that can assist in a multitude of ways. Many can be burned as incenses during meditation, carried in bags and pouches for luck, and used in spiritual rituals. 

It should be noted that all descriptions provided for our herbal products are for educational purposes only, and have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Herbs sold from this store not intended for consumption. 

53 products
  • Scullcap cut (Scutelateriflora lateriflora) 4oz
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  • Mullein Leaf cut 4oz (Verbascum Thapsus)
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  • Licorice Root cut 4oz
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  • Lavender Flowers whole 4oz (Lavandula angustifolia)
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  • Damiana Leaf Cut (Turnera diffusa)
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  • Bayberry Tree Bark cut 4oz (Myrica cerifera)
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  • Barberry Root Bark cut 4oz (Berberis vulgaris)
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  • Devil's Claw Root 1 lb (Harpagophytum procumbens)
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  • Yarrow Flower (Achilea millefolium) 4oz
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  • Wormwood, cut (Artemisia absinthium) 4oz
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  • White Willow Bark, cut (Salix alba) 4oz
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  • Vervain, cut (Verbena hastata) (Blue Vervain) 4oz
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  • Solomon's Seal Root, cut 2oz
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  • Pennyroyal Leaf cut 2oz
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  • Passion Flower cut (Passiflora incarnata) 4oz
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  • Nettle "Stinging" Leaf cut (Urtica dioica) 3oz
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  • Dog Grass, root cut (Agropyron repens) 4oz
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  • High John Root (1lb)
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  • Red Clover 4oz (Trifolium pratense)
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  • Mistletoe cut 4oz (Phoradendron flavescens)
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